Tag Archives: Tart

Lemon/Lime Curd

Lemon curd-5505We have a lime and lemon tree in pots every year we have a glutton of fruit this year my limes got orange being too long on the tree every day I use them in tea together with ginger and lemon grass very nice, we also gave some away but I still have plenty, not a bad complaint. Today I made lime curd we love it on some ice cream, as part of a filling for little berry tartlets, on breakfast toast or on scones. I used my lemons for this picture I think they look beautiful.  Read more…

Lemon and Almond Tart

Lemon Almond Pie-5277

When I left Germany my best friend gave me a little cookbook with recipes from our area this is one of the recipes it dates back so it is saying in the book, to the 1500s at the time of the Fuggers a famous merchant family which would explain the lemons in the recipe. It is not overly sweet so it is very nice with a cup of coffee.

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