Carrot and cabbage salad

Carrot & Cabbage salad-5450

We love salad in all forms what I often do is cutting of leaves from all sorts of vegetables I grow in the garden it is me, being impatient waiting for everything to grow at the moment it is cabbages red and white which have to suffer that treatment it seems it does not hurt them at all.


3 carrots cleaned and grated

1/2 white cabbage shredded in my case leaves from the garden

1/4 red cabbage shredded

30g sesame seeds roasted


Juice of one lemon

2 tbsp honey to taste

Place all the vegetable in a big bowl mix well, whisk ingredients for dressing together be careful with the honey taste as you go along you may don’t like it as sweet, drizzle over salad mix again and sprinkle sesame seeds over salad. Now how simple is that.


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